Thursday, October 11, 2007

Week 6, Thing 15

Interesting to read how libraries will have to rethink themselves to meet the demands of today's and future patrons. I wonder how the curriculum for library science has changed today compared to say 10 years ago. I'm sure a lot more technical courses are required.

The idea of not having to physically go to a library to do research seems strange to me. While doing Thing 13 or 14, I clicked on Amercian University's Library website. They have an "IM" set-up so a student can obtain info without going to the library even when its closed. Students have access to a librarian 24 hours a day to ask for help. Also while doing the last couple of exercises and having the oppportunity of looking at other library's websites, it seems each library has some type of service they provide that makes them different from each other . This is probably due to whatever their immediate community demands or needs the most.

I imagine libraries will have to think "outside the box" as well.

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